Wednesday, December 21, 2005

[Written 12/20]
I got my RHOgam shot. I am not a happy camper about it for the following reasons:

1) They said when I called they could see me right then, and it was only 10:45, and I didn’t have anything until 1:00.
2) When I got there, I sat in the waiting room for a half hour.
3) Someone finally called for me and said I had to go downstairs and have blood work done in the hospital lab, and bring back the printout of the results with me.
4) It took a half hour to have two more vials of blood taken from me in the lab (recall that I gave blood last week for the glucose test and a few weeks before that for the liver tests).
5) After they took my blood in the lab, she said, “we can’t give printouts of the results, it goes to the blood bank. We don’t process the blood. Your doctor knows that. It usually takes about an hour to get results.” [Translation: It'll be at least 2 hours.]
6) I used relaxation breathing to keep from crying on the way back up to the doctor’s office. It worked, mostly.
7) I waited about 15 more minutes in the doctor’s office waiting room, and was ready to leave, when I was called back.
8) I was basically told, “Oops!!!!!! You already had this blood drawn, so you didn’t need to do that, so we can go ahead and give the shot. Sorry ‘bout that.”
9) The shot was in my butt cheek.
10) I will probably get billed a copay for having the blood drawn. I am not going to pay it, and the nurse said she’d check with the office manager how they can handle that so I don’t have to pay it.
11) My butt hurts.
12) I got back in the office at 12:39 or so, so I have 20 minutes to eat, and then it’s back to work.
13) I’m hungry and thirsty.
14) My butt hurts.

[Update 12/21]
My butt did stop hurting a short while later. I'm still mad that she stuck a needle in my flabby butt and then put a big ugly bandaid on it.

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Sadness reigns in

We have been dealing lately with some family and friend problems which seem to affect us more now that we have a baby coming into the world, then it did when we weren't expecting. Well here is the jist.

To start matters off, my mother called Saturday evening to inform me that she took my father to the emergency room because he felt as though his heart was going to pop out of his chest. Upon taking his pulse and blood pressure (nurse mom), she diagnosed my dad at having a heart rate of 220 bpm and a blood pressure of 190/110. Now that is not normal. By the time he had gotten to the emergency room his heart had slowed somewhat and now that he is on medication upon his release from the hostipal, he is doing well. Scare one.

In between scare one and worry two we have Alisha (a pharm-D and my sister-in-law) speaking to Sabrina about the risk factors of my father (slightly obese) and my father-in-law (drinks and smokes). According to Sabrina, she would have assumed that obesity is a higher risk factor than someone who smokes and drinks, well it turns out that someone who smokes and drinks is 10% (or maybe it was 20%, I can't quite be exact) higher to have a heart attack than some one who is obese.

My father-in-law, who likes to drink and smoke, partly for fun, but mostly for pain relief has always worried Sabrina and I because what if he isn't around when our children grow older due to his habits. Worry two.

Scare three and the topper. I received a phone call from Sabrina's friend Missy, telling us that Sabrina and Missy's old college roommate, Julie, that her father had passed away. Now her father as of a year ago was health and normal. He had started to have pain in his joints around a year ago, but did say anything to anyone because he thought it was nothing until about two months ago he broke a bone and upon going to the hosiptal, doctor's had discovered cancer in his joints. The doctor's could not operate, but said that radiation and medication would hopefully help the situation. He was not feeling well on Saturday morning, the family took him to the hospital and he passed away Tuesday morning, with his family at his side. He was only 49...

Understanding that death is part of life and so if bringing a child into this world, but we keep going over and over and over the same situation, why are we deciding to have children in a world where a father at the age of 49 passes away. One can argue that why do children get gunned down in streets and countless innocent people are killed everyday across our hate filled world, but a death where the miracles of modern medicine or the decisions people make could not prevent. It is a sad and scary thought.

We just hope that our parents get to live long enough to see our children grow up, that is the point I am trying to get at. Will they make it that long, we hope so!!!! We hope there isn't an unexpected sadness in our family, like that which happened to Julie. Our thoughts and prayers are with her and her family in a hard time of morning.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Doctor appointment

I had my 28-week appointment this morning (even though I'm really 27 1/2 weeks done). We are getting near the end!! They want to see me in one week to get my RhoGAM shot. For those who don't know, I need this because I have Rh- blood and Mike has Rh+. So there is an Rh antigen on Mike's blood cells that my body would recognize as a foreign body, and attack. And our baby could be Rh- or + since it will have inherited blood type from both of us (and other relatives, of course.) So if the baby is Rh+, it's okay for now; its blood doesn't really mix with mine, and so my body won't attack (that is, build an antibody against this foreign antigen.) But, during childbirth, the baby's blood will mix with my blood (this is still not clear to me, but I imagine it has something to do with it squeezing through my bloody, torn vagina, and it's not pleasant to think about). Once our bloods mix, my body would recognize this foreign antigen, and begin producing antibodies that will attack. By the time my body is cranking out the antibody, the baby will long be out, so the antibodies can't hurt the baby. But, and this is what's important, if a subsequent baby was conceived and had Rh+ blood, the antibody now present in my blood would cross the placenta and attack the baby's blood cells, which needless to say would not be good for that baby. I think this was a major problem in the past, and it caused a lot of miscarriages and such. Now that they know about it, they can prevent it from happening. So I need this shot. I don't know how it works, but I suspect it stops my body from producing an antibody if the baby does have Rh+ blood. I can't imagine why else I would have to have it before delivering the first.

Anyhow, there you have it, our first Littlest Lesh physiology lesson.

And then after the appointment next week, he wants to see me 2 weeks later, or 3 weeks from now. That'll be in the middle of my 30th week, and then after that the appointments are every other week. Eek!

And the baby is just fine. He found the heartbeat with a little more trouble than previous appointments--when he first stuck the doppler-probe-thingy-ma-jigger on my belly, the little bugger (baby, not doctor) kicked it. And then it apparently squirmed around and wouldn't give a good heart rate reading. But it settled. And then I asked the doctor if he could tell which way the baby was facing, and should it be head down by now? Is it important? And of course, the baby is presently breech. But he said it's totally fine until the 35th week or so, at which time we'll want to make sure it's head down. But it was funny that he claimed he could feel the head, and he cupped his hands around where it is, and it's pretty much standing up in there, and I was all, "No wonder it feels like someone is dancing on my cervix!" Seriously, I've been complaining to Mike that it's kicking my bladder, what must be my cervix, and my lower colon a lot, and not to be too callous, but it makes me feel like I have to poop. It sucks. I hope it flips over before it gets any better at stomping.

Oh, and we start Lamaze classes in late January. I'm excited.

Fun links, part deux

Again, you need to have volume turned up. This one was pretty popular a month or two ago, and I think it was even on the Today Show or something like that. But it's definitely worth watching. They make me like the Backstreet Boys. I never realized how good that song is!!

Thursday, December 08, 2005

The Christmas Spirit

I am going to try something new. I find all kinds of crap on the web that is linked on my favorite sites, and I always want to pass them on to people, but I don't know who. So I will start linking them here! I also don't want to steal someone else's thunder by pretending that it was my discovery, so I will tell you who I got it from (but not also link to that page.) A lot of my stuff will come from the Buzz List, which can be found here. It is updated twice a week, and as best I can tell, there is no way to access old lists, so I couldn't link to that page even if I wanted to. Does that make sense?

Today's fun link was brought to us by Steve at, which is one of my favorite links over in the right margin. You must have your speakers turned up, or if you're at work, use headphones. There is no sense in looking if you don't have sound. You also have to scroll down the page a bit, past the stupid ads. Merry Christmas, and enjoy!

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Complaints and the complaining complainers who make them

Sorry for the abrupt ending to the post [below.] I started writing it two mornings ago when I wanted to die, and didn't want to come in to work. I worked on it for the first two hours of my morning, and then ran out of time, so figured I'd come back to finish the bitchfest.

So I tried today. And my heart's just not in it. I just don't feel like bitching today! I had such grand plans for that post, and it would end with an exhaustive list of my symptoms and a plea for a diagnosis (other than psychosis.) But these things must come and go, because I can't recall what sucked so badly all last week and this weekend. I do remember becoming concerned about my perpetually bloody nose (not actually like a nosebleed, but lovely red strings of blood throughout all the snot when blowing my nose--this went on for more than a week before I decided to be concerned), my unpleasant and anything-but-regular bowel, and increasing sciatica causing me to stumble every now and again. So I worried about high blood pressure causing the apparent nasal equivalent of hemorrhoids, but I checked and I was fine (perhaps too low, in fact, at 95/70). I worried about my bowels, whether this would be the last straw to start the real hemorrhoid parade, but it hasn't happened! And I decided that the sciatica is fine. It's an annoyance, for sure, but compared to the neurological problems my sister dealt with in pregnancy, I can handle some tingling and weakness. It's like a gentle reminder to sit the hell down and take a break.

Speaking of, I think this is my biggest problem. I just don't like being a weakling. A sissy. A big sit-on-my-ass-so-I-don't-overexert-myself baby. But I talked to my mom about it, and it turns out that I'm just like her and my grandmother (poor Mike), and so if I don't want to turn out like them (requiring multiple knee replacements like my grandmother or having brittle bones and likely osteoporosis at 50 like my mother or peeing my pants several times a day like both of them), then I have to take it easy when my body says to, and I have to take all my calcium supplements even when it's hard to remember.

I think the peeing my pants thing is a lost cause. That's okay. Mike has cleaned up my pee more times than I'd like to admit already, and we've got a lot of golden years ahead of us. I love you, dear!!

Monday, December 05, 2005

Everyone could use a helping hand

I think it's official: my body is falling apart. It all starts with an innocent sniffle, and the next thing I know, I'm a leaking cripple with a massive, unrelenting headache.

I'll start with the minor complaints and work my way up. This is actually a cuter, more quaint side of crippledom. Mike got a real kick out of himself, anyhow. So I have very little abdominal strength left. I guess this was to be expected, but I hadn't given it much thought. In fact, weeks ago when Becca was in town, she watched me struggling on my parents' living room floor like an overturned beetle, and she cautioned, "Brina, you know you're not supposed to use your abdominal muscles, right?" Uh, well, since you point it out, I guess that sounds like a good idea. But no, no one ever told me that. Okay, no problem, I'll roll onto my side when I have to get up. But sometimes, you really can't roll onto your side. I'm having trouble coming up with a good example of when you would have to rise straight up (I have a really shitty example, and that would be when I wake in the middle of the night and I have Mike blockading one side of me, and the body pillow and Cole blockading the other side, and I don't want to disturb the stupid cat because I like having him there), but I assure you that it happens very often throughout the day. Oh! When I want to drink a sip of water, but I'm supine on the couch, I must simply sit up. Mike has gotten very, very aware of when I need a little tug. He offers his hand before I even ask. It's very sweet. And I feel like a cripple. But here's where it gets creepy: he does it in his sleep. When I wake up and have to get out to the bathroom, but I can't sit up, I must grunt or something when I try, because he holds a hand up, and I pull on it, hard, and he supports me until I clamor over Cole, and he stays sleeping through the whole thing. I pointed out one morning that he'd been doing this for me, and it totally delighted him, since he had no idea.

This isn't as cute a story about crippledom. I've gotten leg cramps in my sleep every now and again since I was a teenager. I mean, sure, they suck, and it's a terrible feeling, but as quickly as they come on, they go away, and I could go right back to sleep. They increased in frequency somewhat as this pregnancy progressed (this is a very common complaint in pregnancy,) but last week, I had the leg cramp to end all leg cramps. And yet, I imagine that it could be worse. This cramp just wouldn't give up. It was so sudden and so strong, I woke up with a gasp, I'm sure, though all I was aware of was sitting straight up in bed, yelling "owwwwwwwwww!" (Apparently my abdominal muscles work when they have to.) I tried to flex my foot back towards me, as you're supposed to, but my foot was paralyzed. The muslces in my foot and calf were so rock hard, we could have used my leg to hammer in the rest of the moulding in the nursery (oh, yeah, that's still totally not finished.) And the more I tried to flex my foot, the more it hurt, and then I realized Mike was awake, rubbing my foot. It was very surreal. His rubbing kind of maybe helped, but I don't know, since the pain was already so excrutiating. Part of me was so thankful that he was trying to soften the muscle, and I didn't want him to stop, but part of me was afraid he was making it worse and I briefly considered clawing out his eyes. When I realized that this cramp wasn't going to stop, and it was worsening, tears started streaming down my face, and I yelled and screamed and cried, and after a couple more minutes, it softened, and I threw myself back and tried to catch my breath, and then it started again. Now that's never happened. Tears ran down my cheeks again, and I totally panicked. If I'd had a saw lying in bed, I'd have removed my leg. I swear to God. I wondered if the neighbors could hear my screams, and if they'd think Mike was murdering me. Then it softened up a little bit, and I lay back and tried to flex, flex, flex my foot, and it started once more. This last one probably only lasted a minute, but Mike probably thought I was dying. When it let up, I could still tell the muscle was still partially tensed, ready to fire at any second, and I hyperventilated and cried until that tension went away. I can't remember if I said anything to Mike except, "I don't know what to do. I just don't know what to do," over and over and over. I wondered how in the world I would ever survive childbirth. I always thought I was tough, and I could take some pain when it was necessary. (That's funny given that I'm pretty much a big sissy and I get hurt every time Mike wants to tickle me, and I whine about him being too rough with my delicate body.) Mike and I then slept from 5AM until 6AM, and when I woke and slid down out of bed, and stood, OW! My calf felt terribly bruised, as if I'd sprained the muscle. I walked it off and showered with little problem. It was sore, but not really crippling me. It was sore for the rest of the day, but really only for the first dozen yards or so I'd walk each time I got up. But Mike was very somber that morning. I kept asking him what was wrong, and it turned out that he was just upset over my painful episode, and he didn't know how to make it any better.

So then that afternoon, I was on the bus from hell, heading towards Mike's bus stop. (Our bus, the EBO, passes my work and then Mike's work. Most days, I am on the correct bus and he is just arriving at his bus stop as we arrive, and he gets on, and we ride home. Some days, I am on an earlier bus, and I must get off at his stop, and wait for him, and we get on the next bus. Some other days, I am on the correct bus, but it's so full of passengers that they can't let any more on, and since Mike's stop is at the end of the line in Oakland, I have to get off even though Mike is waiting at his stop, and we have to wait together for the next one.) This particular day, the bus driver was like Seinfeld's Soup Nazi, except she was the Bus Nazi. She just kept yelling at people standing out on the sidewalk, "If you can't get behind the yellow line, you can't ride!" Of course, the people in the back of the bus were casually hanging around, with plenty of room, while the people in the front squished in like sardines. Finally, there was no way they were going to get another person behind that stupid yellow line. (Please bear in mind that Mike and I ride standing in front of the yellow line all the time--this driver was hard core.) So I knew that I'd have to get off at Mike's stop. When we got to his stop, I tried climbing through the people so I could get the hell out of the there. I'd like to think that no one would move, and they are all assholes, but the truth is, there was nowhere to move to. I am having a lot of trouble learning to navigate my big belly through crowds, and whatever I did to squeeze through didn't work. I fell onto my right knee (the leg that had cramped overnight) really hard. The crowd magically dispersed then, and thankfully, my sister was standing at the very front of the bus, only 4 or 5 feet from me (she and Carl were the last passengers to make it behind the yellow line), and she looked down, saw me kneeling on the floor, and her jaw dropped and she stared. So I held out my hand, and mumbled, "Uh, could you help me up?" And she stood me, and tried to make sure I was okay, but I bolted out of the bus as quickly as humanly possible. And once the bus was out of sight, I cried again. My knee throbbed. But I was more emotionally injured than physically injured. I was just tired of hurting, and tired of being clumsy and fat and out of control of my body, and I just wanted Mike! And he called right then, since he was running a couple of minutes behind, and he heard me cry, and he rushed to me and held me and just tried to console his pathetic wife. We made it home.

I was in much better spirits at home, and we made dinner and I vaccuumed a lot after dinner and cleaned up a little, and I was very productive. By bedtime, I was just wiped out. I was truly nervous about going to bed, for fear of having another cramp, but I fell right asleep and only woke once with a tiny pre-cramp that never amounted to much. Whew.

I woke up in the morning relieved, and slid out of bed, stood, and promptly fell. I caught myelf and fell back onto the bed, but my right gluteus maximus (big butt muscle) apparently had stopped working during the night. I could hardly stand! It kept giving out under me. I didn't understand. I hadn't hurt my butt, I hurt my calf and my knee. Then I decided that I was pretty well sore all over, and I had overdone it vaccuuming and stuff. And so I felt like a 90-year-old woman who can't do too much in a day lest she wear her body out. And I'm still having trouble getting used to this. I went shopping with my mom on Saturday, and made it to the third store before I just couldn't go anymore. I sat on a bench in Target for a very short time, and then had to get up and get moving again. I survived the day without any injuries, so that was nice, but I was just pooped.

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Stupid, lazy bloggers

I hate people who don't update for weeks at a time.

Anyhow, Happy Thanksgiving. Now it is time to hang the Christmas lights and shop 'til I drop! But I have promised myself that this year, I am going to be generous where it counts; I will be generous and unselfish with time, and I will have a lot of patience with my mother when it's time to clean her house before any sisters arrive in town. I am not, however, going to be generous to a fault when purchasing gifts. This is like my New Year's Resolution a month early. It will be hard, but I am not going to overspend just because I'm worried about whether I got each person "enough." My family has a terrible habit of over-spending and over-giving for no good reason. It's ridiculous to spend as much money as we do for many reasons, including but not limited to: it's hard for several family members to transport gifts they give and receive, it's gluttonous and wasteful to give and receive gifts for and from people who already have so much, and it's financially irresponsible to go into debt every December. So, I am setting my limits and although I will feel like I'm somehow slighting people, I'm sticking to it.

Lastly, Mike and I are committed to donating toys and gifts to charity in lieu of over-purchasing for our families. I bought a good quality set of building blocks for a needy child, but I researched our local Community Center that houses, trains and employs previously homeless families, and they distribute gifts to the children in those families. They have a lot of adolescents and teenagers who usually don't receieve gifts because it's more fun for people to donate toys, so Mike and I are determined to give something that can ge given to a teen. So far, I've thought of a new backpack and perhaps art supplies. And for girls, makeup and maybe hair stuff. Any suggestions?

Thursday, November 17, 2005


The baby is now kicking all the time. Thump, thump, thump. I imagine it being like that fat little bunny in Bambi:
Bambi: "Whatcha doin'?"
Thumper: "I'm thhhhumpin'!" [bam, bam, bam, bam, bam with the monster foot]

This is going to be one cute kid. Even if it's ugly, it'll be so ugly it's cute. Like this one:

This is exactly what my kid will look like. Pout and all. And it'll thump.

Monday, November 14, 2005

The nursery

Okay, the moulding is stained, though I think Mike is disappointed in the color. But I think it's terrific. And the stars are all painted, but won't be nailed in until the moulding is all installed, and it was still drying yesterday.

But this is what we have so far! I just stuck on the stars and one tiny segment of moulding with painter's tape, but I think it gives a lovely image of the room.

Oh! And Mike put a dimmer switch on the light, and we bought a beautiful new glass shade for the existing light. I love the dimmer, and I can sneak into the room to check on baby without waking it up. I'm still having trouble imagining myself even putting the baby in this room, ever, but it'll have to happen one day. When it outgrows the co-sleeper next to our bed, it'll just have to use its own crib in its own room. It just breaks my heart!

This is another shot of the longer side of the room, but you have to imagine it with the moulding over the white/navy line and also at the ceiling. But it's going to be so cute!

I don't know what the big rush is, since we still have 3 1/2 months until baby will be here, but I am anxious to see it all put together. I guess it's so we can register. We're really not at all sure of what furniture we have, will need, or will use. I'd love to have it all ready by Christmas so these decisions are made. Wish us luck!

The belly

So this is what my belly is looking like these days. This was taken two weeks ago, though, and I think it's bigger now. I should put one up each week.

Also new since this picture was taken, my hair is chopped short again! I figured that by the time the baby comes, it'll be on or past my shoulders and I can pony-tail it easily.

I love football

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Well, you know how it is, rockin' and rollin' and what not!

The baby is on the move. I think I now feel it predictably every hour or so, and I can tell when it's really strong, and I can grab Mike's hand, and he can feel it all, and he makes the most adorable face of surprise and pleasure, mixed with slight fear and even slighter repulsion. Actually, his face looks a lot like a two year old seeing a jack-in-the-box for the first time: utterly delighted, but ready to freak out at any second. I'm sure it's very overwhelming. It is pretty creepy that there's a little person thrashing around in there. I still don't understand why it doesn't drown, but I guess I just have to trust that it's supposed to happen this way.

In other news, I keep meaning to post pictures, but I guess I'm just too lazy. I will try to remember tonight.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005


So last night, I finally was able to feel my child for the first time!

We were in our normal positions on the couch, me on the left, Subby to my right laying on her back with her head on pillows and her legs stretched out over my lap. West Wing was on and we were a few episodes behind so we were in some catch up mode to get to the latest episode, which we never made it to anyway. When Subby hit pause and said baby is really moving right now, so she placed my hand on her belly in the best place to feel it and applied pressure with her hand.

After about 15 seconds I felt a bump on the palm of hand. I looked shocked, dumbfounded, curious and unfulfilled all at the same time. When Subby asked me if I felt that I said, "yes, was that you or the baby?" Well I don't know how she would be able to make that kind of movement, so it must have been the baby. I don't think I gave the reaction I was expecting to give or that Subby was expecting to get, but I wanted more.

So after the baby slept for a little (how do I know this, well that is Subby said nonchalantly), maybe an hour or so, she grabbed my hand again and this time it was definite! I felt a thud on my ring finger and Subby said the is exactly where I felt it. Then another one right after that on the palm of my hand again.

It was a great moment for the both of us and I don't know if I was dreaming it last night or if I felt the baby again while I slept with my hand on Subby's belly, but now I feel really connected to our baby.

It is a wonderful feeling...And now today I get to take it in and be happy knowing that I finally got to feel my child!

Monday, November 07, 2005

Sick day

I pride myself on being tough. Granted, I might scream like a little girl when a stinging insect flies around my head, but when it comes to being sick, I'm a Man, and Mike is the little girl. (And he knows it. I would worry about offending him, but, uh, I'm just not worried about it. I love him despite his totally infantile behavior when he has a cold.)

But I'm not going to be tough today, and I'm going to whine until my heart's content.

I'm sick. And it sucks. And I'm sick of being sick. And my head aches, and my throat aches, and I sound like a frog, and there is shit seeping from every orafice in my skull. And I wanna go home!!!

I did my first telephone interview of the day from 8:30-9:30 this morning, and I have another scheduled for 10:00, but I just might call it quits and reschedule her. I don't think I can take it.

Bah. I'm going to do it because I'm a sucker. Then maybe I'll leave.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

When will it be my turn...

Over the last 4 1/2 months the pregnancy has all been about Subby, how she feels, how she is reacting to certain foods, environment, etc...not to take anything away from her, since she is the one who is enduring a body transformation for the betterment of our family, but when will it by my turn to hear or feel the baby?

We were laying on the couch last night with my head on her big preggy belly, straining to hear a heartbeat or movement or trying to feel something that (according to the books, we should be able to hear the heartbeat whenever we want and I should be able to feel kicks) just still isn't there. This instinctive reaction on my part was not supposed to be said out loud because, like a wedding the day is all about the bride, this pregnancy is all about my wife! I am completely and totally exicted for this opportunity, but in the end this is all about Subby.

By my big mouth blabbing this to Subby was just my way of showing some love and attachment to the baby and that I really do want to feel it or hear it. I guess I will just be in a waiting mode until that time comes.

Monday, October 31, 2005

Half way!

I have very little to say about baby, and that's all that's really interesting in my life right now.

(I go to work, I sit at my desk; sometimes I have work to do, usually I do not. Mike and I make dinner every night, and then do some dishes, and then I eat brownies or cake. Then we go to bed and I struggle to stay sleeping on my side with a body pillow jammed between my legs. It's a nice, happy, peaceful life. But it doesn't make for good blogging.)

But, this weekend, we hit the half way mark! The baby has been growing for as many days as it has left. It seems agonizing to wait as long as it's already taken, but I know it will go quickly, as I have the holidays to breeze through.

Oh, and Happy Halloween!

Everybody's a critic

The internet is cool. I got a comment from someone (I have no idea who) suggesting that it's ironic that I pander for comments but then don't respond. Now, I've only ever gotten one comment from someone I didn't know the identity of, and it's true, I never responded. I didn't really understand what (s)he was trying to say. But the cool part is that while the person wasn't rude in this comment, (s)he did insert some sarcasm about my 'words of wisdom,' which I can only assume means that the commenter thinks that I think that everyone should want to read what I have to say, er, write, and then participate in a discussion.

But, really, all I was trying to do was to get my mother-in-law to have some fun, since she's the only person who ever reads this. So come on, I dare you!! Click that Comments link! It's fun. It's free!

Back to strangers commenting: no matter how hard I try, I can't get any results for my blog when I google phrases I've used on here. I don't know why, but I also don't really care. But I'm very curious how people got here in the first place. I guess you can just scroll through blogs. I should really figure out how to work that stat counter stuff. Eh, whatever.

Friday, October 28, 2005

Thursday, October 27, 2005

A comment on commenting

Commenting is appreciated. It's very easy. See the '0 Comments' in green type below each entry? (If I'm really, really lucky, it says '1 Comments.') It's a link to a page in which you can type anything your heart desires in response to the post. It doesn't even have to be related to the post. You could comment that "Cheez-its are delicious," or "I heard that the gene that allows one to roll his or her tongue is recessive. Why can so many people roll their tongues then?!"

So, once you read the post, click on the word Comments, and then type something clever into the big box. Then click on the dot by Other, not Blogger. You also supposed to put in a name, but that's entirely optional. You can of course just call yourself "Anonymous," or "Superman," or even "studluvr," and I won't mind! Now, there are probably really smart people who could figure out who commented by finding an IP address or some other technical stamp that people leave all over the web. I am not one of those people. If you want to be anonymous, don't worry. I won't snoop. I swear. I couldn't even if I wanted to. (And if you have no reason to be anonymous, you could even go so far as to call yourself "Mom.")

Oh, and there is also a place to put in your email address or a webpage or something. You don't have to do that. Just leave it blank. You can leave them all blank. It really doesn't matter.

But when you get to the end, there is a funky-looking string of letters that you have to type in. So here's the deal: if you don't make a real, live human being type the letters in that image, computers elsewhere can automatically create and post "comments" about buying a nice, new ocmputer from them, or seeing Kandy Kane's special holiday between-the-legs treat. Some blogs don't use this 'verification' system for posting. I have no idea how they stop spam. But I see the verification system as "Who cares?" so I use it. So you just have to type in the letters you see. That's all. Then you click Publish your comment, or Preview if you want to look at it before posting it, and viola! You have commented on my post. And this makes me very happy.

(It is worth noting that Mike and I argued over who would tell you how to do this.)

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

On blogging

I feel like I should write every day. But then I feel like I don't have anything interesting to say everyday. And I think I shouldn't just write garbage just to post something. But it's the only way to stay in the habit, right?

Sigh. We'll see.

On office politics

You know how when someone leaves a box of food in the office kitchen, it's pretty much for the taking? Sometimes it's leftover pizza from a meeting, sometimes it's a box of cookies their kid was selling. And then sometimes, albeit rarely, it is a box of Krispy Kreme doughnuts with pristine chocolate goo spread just so.

Background: I have never eaten a Krispy Kreme doughnut. I gave up doughnuts years ago when I was a teenager and discovered nutrition labels, but I'm woman enough to admit that I've had a couple of them over the years. But the times when I've been desperate enough to have a doughnut (I was truly hungry for breakfast and it was the only thing available), it's never been a Krispy Kreme doughnut. And I've been offered a Krispy Kreme doughnut before, but if I'm not hungry, and I don't need it, I politely (and probably stupidly) decline. I've been mildly curious about trying one, since some people swear it really is that big a deal. But I've never really wanted one. But I've never been pregnant before, either.

More background: There are two kitchens on our floor of this office building. Our group's kitchen is more of a kitchenette with a mini-fridge, crappy microwave, and 12" sink. Way on the other side is a more reasonably sized kitchen with a real fridge, two microwaves, and even a table and chairs. Crazy! I don't usually venture to the big kitchen, because it's a long walk, and I just feel a little bit out of my element. It's still there for our department, but not really our group.

Last background: The polar jug in our kitchenette was broken. I don't know what happened to it, as there was a nice, full jug of water on the base, and the hot water was working, but no cold water would come out. I had to trek all the way down to the big kitchen to fill up my water bottle. I did this several times through the day.

Finally, the stupid story: At around 2:30 or 3:00, I stumbled into the big kitchen to find, gasp, above-mentioned box of 6 chocolate iced doughnuts. They were lined-up, untouched, ready to be evoured. There was a post-it on the box that simply said, "PAID." I figured there must be some mistake! No one would leave these out for the taking. I felt it would be rude to just take one without asking someone first, but I don't really know anyone from that side of the building to ask. And if I just took one, and got busted in the hallway running off with someone else's doughnut, I'd be very embarassed. (I'd probably just point to my enlarged belly and bat my eyelashes, but I don't want it to come to that. Yet.) So I decided that the more polite thing to do would be wait until 4:30 or 5:00 when most people were gone for the day and if there were any left then, steal one and devour it without an iota of guilt.

I went back to my desk and could think of nothing but a perfectly chocolate iced Krispy Kreme doughnut. I think I drooled. I made it to about 4:15, and then casually cruised back to the big kitchen. And the box was in the trash. Right on top. And I peeked inside in case some insane person was cleaning the kitchen and trashed everything, but alas, it was empty. I blew it. And I wanted to cry. But I held it together. I stumbled back to my desk, numb and defeated.

I had never wanted a baked good so badly. What's wrong with me?! The good news is that I ended up buying a teensy bag of Chex Mix (for 85 cents, the theiving bastards) from the vending machine and eating that and my yogurt for an early-evening snack. I was impressed with myself.

Then I went home and ate lots of pizza and brownies.

But my question is this: should I have just taken the doughnut in the first place? Wouldn't anyone else assume that a box of Krispy Kreme doughnuts just isn't the same as cold, gross, obviously left-over pizza? Mike said he would have taken a doughnut in a second. Was I wrong? Am I too virtuous? Too considerate? Too dumb?

Baby Sugar Ray

Imagine my surprise to be beat awake this morning. And it didn't hurt! There were pops and kicks and thuds all over inside me. I didn't know the baby had the reach to hit both sides of my abdomen, practically at the same time. It was exactly what I've been waiting for.

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Bloosh, bloosh, bloosh, bloosh...

Its head is not squished!

(We assume the head is intact, because the heart is still beating. Perhaps it could still beat with brain damage, but it's unlikely.) So the baby is just fine. I heard the bloosh-bloosh, bloosh-bloosh of blood with my own ears. A fetus' heartbeat is very different from an adult's heartbeat. Perhaps my heart would actually sound the same with that weird tool they use, but it's a very, uh, liquidy sound. Kind of like splashing in a pool.

Still feels more like a mouse crawling around inside me than a baby though. No good bumps, but the occasional tingle of presence. I guess that will have to do for now!

I am putting on weight. It's a very, very strange feeling to get on the scale and feel proud of a few extra pounds. It's also daunting, since I just keep thinking that I will suffer having to get rid of those pounds very soon, or else suffer with a mom-butt for all of eternity. Then I'll have to buy mom-jeans and socks that go halfway up my calves.

Growing up is fun.

Roe v. Wade

A little news from the pregnancy front. Sabrina had another check-up today, all is well. She gained another few lbs. which takes her total up to 10 lbs of pregnancy weight gained. We received the results from the genetic testing and all is normal. The baby's heart rate is normal, which is great after the "monstrous elbow" scare of a couple of weeks ago.

On to my other topic, abortion. A little background info first. I am currently working on a B.A. in Legal Studies and an taking a course on Civil Rights'. So the discussion of Roe v. Wade came up in a class on the topic of "right to privacy". I guess I never put two and two together to realize that Roe is a case based upon the privacy issue of a woman and her practitioner and the "viability" of the fetus during the 3 trimesters of pregnancy.

The ruling on Roe dictated that the federal government could set some regulations about whether a woman can have an abortion. Note that there are certain laws and even amendments that are strictly state's rights issues; ex. 2nd amendment-right to bear arms and pre-Roe. Here is the interesting part of this case. During trimester 1 and 3 the Supreme Court dictated rules, but for the 2nd trimester the rules on abortion were deemed to be up to the state's.

So in Roe, if a woman who is in her 1st trimester wants to abort her pregnancy she has the right to do so without prejudice, no need to consult her practitioner because according to the Supreme Court the pregnancy is not viable. In her 3rd trimester, she can not abort her pregnancy without the consultation of a practitioner stating that the pregnancy would kill the mother if not aborted. If the mother's health is not in jeopardy and she still wants to abort the baby, she can not because the ruling in Roe state's the pregnancy would be considered viable. So the real question fell into the 2nd trimester. When does the child move from the stage of not viable to viable. Well the Supreme Court did not come out and dictate a specific ruling, but passed the decision off to the state's legislatures to determine themselves.

In the end, with the changes in the Supreme Court if Roe is re-examined and overturned, the ramification would then turn completely onto the state's to deem if abortion is legal, legal at certain stages or not legal at all.

The whole time I was sitting in class pondering the thought of what my expectations in life would be without the upcoming birth of my first child. I just want this examined in the simplest of forms, not taking into account any financial, economical or sociological aspect. Why in the world would I ever not want this child to come into my life. I have the ability to bring new life to this beautiful plant. And then I was saddened by all the turmoil in the world and hope that the life we are choosing to have will not be terrible. All the emotions first felt when we found out that were pregnant, came at me full tilt in a matter of a 30 minute discussion. I am still thinking about the topic.

Now my question: When will the viability factor of a pregnancy cease to exist in our world of ever expanding scientific knowledge. Do doctor's have the ability to create life in a Petri dish, then carry the pregnancy as far as they can until it is time to transfer to a mammal, say a hormone and medicated induced cow with a placenta, to continue the pregnancy until the child was around 12 oz. a reality? Doctor's have been able to save children that were born at the weight of 12 oz. Cows have been able to give birth to sheep which were implanted in them. Are humans really needed in order to create "human" life a possiblity in the future?

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Der Musik...

As Sabrina has pointed out for a week or so now, she fears that the baby is not "functioning" like a baby should be. Now I understand that my monster elbow could have affected the baby, but the likelihood is slim to none. Also I would like to point out that this is our first child and we don't know what a baby is supposed to do inside the mommy. Now all mommies are different so how are we, or should I say Sabrina, to know what the baby is or isn't doing? I am going in the wrong direction here, sorry. My point is that this morning our baby had it's first taste of sound. We recently purchased some stereo headphones, they arrived yesterday and this morning "Franklin's Tower" rang through Sabrina's belly to our child.

Now the reasoning behind this song for me is firstly, why wouldn't I play a Dead song for my unborn child, secondly, it is a fun dancing body shaking song for me so why not for my unborn child, and lastly to try to get the baby moving to help Sabrina feel the baby and not be so worried.

It was a sweet moment for me, I just hope the baby and maybe Sabrina enjoyed it as much as I did...

Wednesday, October 12, 2005


I'm trying to post every day, just to get in the habit.

Today I am worrying senselessly about whether the baby's head was squished. I have hardly been feeling anything at all down there this whole week. Every now and again I get a little tug that may or may not be baby movement, but it usually feels more like a ligament stretching, a muscular cramp, or a nerve twinge. I just really expected to feel it rolling around in there by now, doing some acrobatics or hitting me or something, and I wish it would get busy already!

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

That's great it starts with an earthquake, birds and snakes and airplanes

If I'm being honest, I can say: I don't really believe in the end of the world, like in a biblical sense.

Then again, I believe in both creationism and evolutionary theory--creationism just says that God made the world. It doesn't say how long it took. In fact, the Bible says that a day is to a thousand years as a thousand years is to one day. And so what if they messed up the order a little bit; whether it was earth, trees, man, animals, then woman, or if it was earth, protozoa, pond scum, invertebrates, blah blah blah, then humans, who cares? I mean, the old testament had people living to be 7 or 8 hundred years old. Something was clearly wrong with their dating system, or their concept of chronology. So in my mind, every living thing on earth is the product of God, and evolution just dragged it out a bit. Even if the Bible suggests that God said, "Hmm, I think I'll make an Earth today!" and poof! there it all was, are we really foolish enough to think that God works in minutes?

So back to the end of the world. So I don't think it's going to suddenly rain fire and sulfur and we all either enjoy the splendors of heaven or rot away in hell. But, why won't the world come to an end the way it began--over millions of years? Perhaps that's the way God wanted it. But I am starting to feel like we're testing God. I truly believe that we're accelarating the end of the world. It almost certainly won't happen in my or my children's lifetime, but it seems likely within the next thousand years or so.

Okay, perhaps we don't have sulfur rain, but what about acid?

I think R.E.M. had it all figured out. Seriously: earthquake, check. Birds, check. Airplanes, check. So we're not currently having a snake problem, but isn't that what St. Patrick had to deal with in the 4th century? We're talking about millions of years here, so this is somewhat relevant today. (Aside: in searching for a site to link to the snakes being driven from Ireland, I learned so much! 1) There really are no snakes in Ireland, but there probably never have been, since the island separated from the mainland in the last Ice Age and 2) St. Patrick never really drove anything out of Ireland at all. He simply brought the Irish Catholicism, which they did not have before him. So it was like driving out the demons, oft represented as serpents, or snakes. And here we are back in the Bible, in the garden.)

And R.E.M never even mentioned hurricanes worsened by global warming (at least not in the lyrics I could manage to memorize.)

I'm scared. I realize that terrible things have been going on for a long, long time. But it's just weird to feel so vulnerable in this world in which we act like we control everything. There is a pandemic coming, and thousands or even millions of people could die, and we are powerless to stop it. We usually know when hurricanes, or earthquakes, or tsunamis are coming, but we are powerless to stop them.

Godspeed to all.

Monday, October 10, 2005

Changes in living...

I just received an email from my best man, Ryan who asked, "what did you guys do this weekend?" After relaying the story of our weekend, he responded with his. Both lame, neither going out for anything but a meal and he wrote,

"Wow... are lives are pretty different from back in the day, huh?"

Wow, is right! We spent many hours together almost every weekend, drinking, eating, hanging out. Now we need to make plans to do something 2 weeks in advance and sometimes that doesn't even work out. In the past 2 months outside of family and co-workers, I have spent about 1 day with friends. I don't regret the missed opportunities because I have something bigger to look for, a baby!

I have come to realization that I am not a wild child like I was nor can I go back to being one, I am slowly turning into somewhat of a responsible adult. 6 months ago is was easy for me to have a few drinks a night (Sabrina would as well) and continue on with work, school, and life; remnants of college days, where drinking everyday was not a big deal. Now, my only cares and worries have transformed my previous life into wanting to take care of my wife and our investment. I no longer drink anywhere near as much as I used to (I can now make a 30 pack of beer last over a month and that is with the help of guests who come over.)

I also failed to realize (or wanted to ignore) how much alcohol played a role in our daily lives and how I am glad that it no longer plays the same role. It has changed and incredibly for the better. Now it really is nice to have a couple of drinks while watching a football game because it is actually relaxing, not stimulating as it used to be!

My point of all this rambling, is that my role life will never be the same as it used to be and that is a difficult concept to handle. My wife, our house, and our life is slowly becoming the prototypical "hard to leave home" scenario. If we have problems leaving home now, how will we do it when we have a baby in tow, most likely we won't...but, I hope we try...

"Why, my head would squash like an eggplant!"

Last night, we were lazily watching t.v., sprawled out on the couch, and a cat came crawling into the mess of legs, looking for love. Mike lunged for the cat, grabbed him, and pushed back into a sitting position, dragging cat to his chest for some forced love. And by pushed, I mean pushed off my abdomen with his elbow!! At first it just hurt, and I grimaced, and he gasped, "Oh, I'm SO sorry! Did I hurt you?! I didn't mean to!" and then, "Did I hurt the baby?!"

Okay, that was the last thing on my mind. But it suddenly scared the shit out of me! In truth, my first reaction to that last question was, "No, no, it's fine, you got me way higher than that." But as I rubbed where he pummeled, either the spot was psychosomatically moved lower into my abdomen, or I misjudged how high the spot was in the first place. I was suddenly rubbing a spot 6 inches to the left of and 6 inches below my belly button. And though I said nothing to him, I panicked inside. I tried to picture the baby, and how big it is, and where it could be arranged, and how much amniotic fluid there is to protect it, and how big my uterus is now, and if the head could have been in that precise spot. I think I've gotten over it, as I have felt some little jiggles in there that are probably baby moving. (For now, let's hope it's not rigor mortis.)

But since then, I've been trying to imagine just how big the baby really is. I know that it's about 6 inches long, and it weighs several ounces, less than a half pound. So how big would its head be? Like a quarter? No, bigger than that. Like a Barbie head? Yeah, that's about it! But not as long as a Barbie, more like Skipper, Barbie's little cousin (or friend or whatever, what do I know? I wasn't allowed to have Barbies because my older sisters ripped all their heads off.) So I was imagining Skipper's head in my belly, except not that tough plastic like Skipper, but soft bone that is barely ossified, rice-paper thin skin with blood vessels popping out of it, and I was imagining what would happen to that little head under Mike's monster elbow. And it was a little disconcerting.

And that led me to many morbid thoughts: how would I even know if we squished the thing's brains out? Would my body know? What would my body do with the baby? What if the head wasn't on that side, but we squished its legs or ankles, and it'll never learn to walk?

But I'm not so scared now. I'm sure it'll all be fine. I think.

Friday, October 07, 2005


So this is what our baby looks like!

It's weird. I'm happy, but I'm also, oh I don't know... So that's it! We've seen the baby. And now we won't see it again until March, if all goes according to plan. If we do see it again, it's because something's wrong, and we don't want that.

So it's like Christmas morning, after all the packages are torn apart. You are left feeling inundated with new things, but somehow dissatisfied, or unfulfilled.

The baby was also pretty stubborn--it turned towards us for a brief time, and the technician grabbed these shots while she could. But then it flipped over, and wouldn't present for any more pictures (I guess it's got a little of my sister in it, too!)

The head, arms and legs were measured, as well as girth or a waist measurement, and its heart, umbilical cord, kidneys and lips were measured. I think that's what I found frustrating today, and I think that's leaving me with an unsatisfied feeling. The whole thing was so clinical that it wasn't even exciting! I don't understand how an ultrasound technician could be so uninterested in the emotions people feel when seeing their baby for the first time. From the moment she fired up the machine, all I wanted was to see our baby. But we looked at every imaginable organ in very fine detail before I got a glimpse. Sometimes I would see what appeared to be a face off to the side, and she would comment that some stupid unrecognizable structure that she was focusing on was the vena cava, or whatever. So I knew that I wasn't seeing the face, I was just seeing some hollowed-out section of baby that I wasn't at all interested in. I just wanted to see my baby! And after 10 minutes of looking at everything I didn't want to see, we saw perhaps 60 seconds of baby. And then it turned away, and she turned off the machine, and that was it. And we have video of that wonderful minute of seeing the baby, though it's blurry and I can't even tell if the kid is cute or not! But I just might watch the video every day so that if I ran into my baby on the street, at least I would recognize it.

Poor Mike just thinks I'm impossible to please, and I'm sure he's right. No matter what I think I want ('I just want to hear the heart beat!', 'I just want to feel it!', or 'I just want to see it!'), I'm never quite satisfied. I'm left wanting something more.

Like my baby.

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Say cheese!

Tomorrow we get our first glimpse of baby (named Phillianna by my sister and mother, since a boy will be Phillip and a girl will be Anna.) Not only will we get some pictures to take with us, but we will be able to record the whole thing on a VCR tape which they nicely label for us. That kind of scared me; I don't trust our VCR to not eat the tape, and if it's our first home movie of Phillianna, I don't want to risk anything.

I also want to make a correction to Mike's post yesterday. I feel pretty confident that I've been feeling the baby for a short time now. Last Friday was the very first time I felt something that felt a lot like ligaments stretching, except it wasn't around the sides... it was right smack in the middle of where my uterus apparently rests. Then on Saturday I felt some weird sensations, but nothing that was noticeably like a baby moving. I've been waiting for what other people described as the butterfly feeling, or a fizzy feeling, as if someone opened a can of coke inside me. But the thumps that I've been feeling have been much more like gas bubbles in a place they don't belong, or like ligaments stretching, or, believe it or not, like being pinched! It felt more like mysterious nerve pain than a butterfly. But, yesterday, I did feel a butterfly feeling, and that was what I was waiting for. I believe the rest of the feelings were baby, but they were annoying feelings, not pleasant Oh-there-it-is!! feelings.

I'm kind of starting to have I-love-my-baby feelings. I don't know how I could love something I never met. It's very strange to feel, and hard to explain. I already feel protective of the baby, partly I suppose because of genes and instincts and Darwin and all that, but it's also kind of selfish! I feel like I am protective of the baby in a I'm-not-wasting-the-past-four-months-so-you-better-keep-on-ticking kind of way. I wouldn't do anything that might hurt it, but mostly because I wouldn't want the headache of starting from scratch. See how selfish that is?! It is like I really don't love this particular fetus as a real baby that already has its hair color and its personality. It could be any old fetus--I don't really care what kind, as long as it comes out alive so I don't have to start over again. That sounds awful.

So maybe it's because we're going to see the baby tomorrow. Or perhaps it's because I can feel it. I've actually started to feel love for the thing. Will Phillianna be an active baby like its daddy, or lazy like its mommy? Will it have my tiny nose or Mike's big ears? This much is assumed by us: it will have curly (or at least wavy) hair and it will be on the larger side of average (as an adult of course).

Anyhow, I suddenly have all these thoughts about what kind of a child we have created. It hadn't occured to me that it was strange not to wonder those things from the moment of conception. I think I've been trying not to get my hopes up about this particular baby. After tomorrow, I think I will be officially in love with this baby, and if anything happens from here on out, I'm in big trouble.

Wednesday, October 05, 2005


This week marks some first's for us.

Yesterday, Subby finally felt the baby for the first time. The typical butterfly feeling which made her ecstatically happy and tickly at the same time appeared while she was in a meeting. I was glad to hear the news since for the last few days she has been saying, I think that was our baby, no I think that was our baby, well the baby finally said hello.

On Friday we get our first glimpse of the little bugger. Again I will be so happy for Subby since she has had a lot of doubt as to whether or not the baby was even alive inside her belly, but this will be the end all, eventhough a heartbeat was heard (multiple times) and she felt the baby. I will be happy, like the usual guy is, as long as the baby has 2 arms, 2 legs, and all it's toes and fingers.

I hope the week ends with as much excitement and anticipation as we have built up in our heads over these last 4 months. Even that is hard to believe, 4 months...

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Once upon a time

We got married. We lived happily in a little apartment in Swissvale for about 6 months after the wedding. Then, we started itching for something new. We would take turns feeling unfulfilled by our simple life. At times, we wanted a home. At times, we wanted a baby.

We talked a lot about which should come first. On the one hand, it seemed wiser to have a house first. Taking the mortgage plunge would only be harder once there is a child. Buying a house, moving, and fixing a house (in our price range) would only be harder once there is a child. On the other hand, we just wanted a baby. We had a 2-bedroom apartment, and there would be no shame in having a baby in our apartment. In fact, our rent was dirt cheap, and we were saving a lot of money for a new car or anything else we could want.

So I went off the pill. We also casually browsed the Howard Hanna website. We figured that since we couldn't decide which to do first, we would just see what happened first, and go from there. (Aren't we wild?)

A couple of months went by, and no baby. It was very discouraging. We decided to just relax, and let go for a few months, and not try so hard. And so we tried harder for a house. We made spreadsheets, we scoured the county assessment website, we calculated taxes and square footages and budgets. And then we saw the One. It was a 15-second drive from our apartment. The neighborhood was decidedly middle-class, the houses were cookie-cutter, but each one was a home. Our house had a huge backyard, a one-car garage, a front porch and a back porch, and we knew before ever taking a step inside that this was the One.

So we made an offer. They countered, we countered, and we came to agreement. We were going to be homeowners!!!

And about 2 weeks later, we found out we were going to be parents!!!

So the decisions were made. We would buy a house and have a child. This probably wasn't the smartest way to do it, but what's done is done.

Next we will go back in time. Since no one really cares about buying a house, and everyone cares about baby-making, I'll tell that story.

Tuesday, September 13, 2005


We are so busy. Just so busy, and yet sometimes I feel like we must be the biggest lazy-asses to ever live. Great people only have 24 hours in day. Great people have houses and jobs and children. People who accomplish much just amaze me; do they not require an hour to sit on their asses and watch some t.v. every now and again? I can't remember to mail a stupid rebate on our appliances within the required one month. I just feel too busy. But the truth is, and I know it, that I am too lazy to mail the rebate when I have a free minute, which is all the time it would take. When I have a free minute, or a free hour or two at the end of a day, I feel like I don't want to think about the rebate! I want to sit on my ass!!

And to be fair, I don't have a free hour or two every night. And that is why I relish a free hour when I do have it. But why can't I just get shit done that needs to be done?!

I want to post some things I've written in the past few months, leading up to the pregnancy, and after the pregnancy began, but.... (shocker!) ...I just feel too busy.

Monday, September 12, 2005

Figuring out how it all works...

This is us. Don't we look naive? We are.

This is where we live. This is where we work.

I can't figure out a way to link to pictures, which is very annoying. I mean, I've figured it out, but I'd have to have them stored somewhere else on the web, and homey don't play that.

In all, we are far, far behind in starting this blog. We have so much to share with our friends and families, to some extent, but I think more with each other, and with ourselves. I have always wanted to keep a journal, but what's the use in being witty as hell if I'm the only person who will ever read it?! But writing about how I'm feeling and what I'm going through has always been helpful to me, and my wonderful husband knew that I needed this. So I will start the story from the beginning, only slightly edited. Stay tuned!

First time

Test post