Thursday, November 10, 2005

Well, you know how it is, rockin' and rollin' and what not!

The baby is on the move. I think I now feel it predictably every hour or so, and I can tell when it's really strong, and I can grab Mike's hand, and he can feel it all, and he makes the most adorable face of surprise and pleasure, mixed with slight fear and even slighter repulsion. Actually, his face looks a lot like a two year old seeing a jack-in-the-box for the first time: utterly delighted, but ready to freak out at any second. I'm sure it's very overwhelming. It is pretty creepy that there's a little person thrashing around in there. I still don't understand why it doesn't drown, but I guess I just have to trust that it's supposed to happen this way.

In other news, I keep meaning to post pictures, but I guess I'm just too lazy. I will try to remember tonight.

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