Thursday, October 20, 2005

Bloosh, bloosh, bloosh, bloosh...

Its head is not squished!

(We assume the head is intact, because the heart is still beating. Perhaps it could still beat with brain damage, but it's unlikely.) So the baby is just fine. I heard the bloosh-bloosh, bloosh-bloosh of blood with my own ears. A fetus' heartbeat is very different from an adult's heartbeat. Perhaps my heart would actually sound the same with that weird tool they use, but it's a very, uh, liquidy sound. Kind of like splashing in a pool.

Still feels more like a mouse crawling around inside me than a baby though. No good bumps, but the occasional tingle of presence. I guess that will have to do for now!

I am putting on weight. It's a very, very strange feeling to get on the scale and feel proud of a few extra pounds. It's also daunting, since I just keep thinking that I will suffer having to get rid of those pounds very soon, or else suffer with a mom-butt for all of eternity. Then I'll have to buy mom-jeans and socks that go halfway up my calves.

Growing up is fun.

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