Thursday, December 08, 2005

The Christmas Spirit

I am going to try something new. I find all kinds of crap on the web that is linked on my favorite sites, and I always want to pass them on to people, but I don't know who. So I will start linking them here! I also don't want to steal someone else's thunder by pretending that it was my discovery, so I will tell you who I got it from (but not also link to that page.) A lot of my stuff will come from the Buzz List, which can be found here. It is updated twice a week, and as best I can tell, there is no way to access old lists, so I couldn't link to that page even if I wanted to. Does that make sense?

Today's fun link was brought to us by Steve at, which is one of my favorite links over in the right margin. You must have your speakers turned up, or if you're at work, use headphones. There is no sense in looking if you don't have sound. You also have to scroll down the page a bit, past the stupid ads. Merry Christmas, and enjoy!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello there, Well, it took me a little while to catch on to the links - but I finally did. You're just so very smart with the computer. I must say I enjoy each entry - it makes me feel closer to you. Love you, Me