Tuesday, January 17, 2006

I suck at blogging

So, I have been thinking about blogging a lot. Sometimes I think that I should be sure to include some interesting posts that are not baby related or pregnancy related, so that, well, you know, I'm an interesting person and stuff like that. I mean, I really don't want to become one of those mothers who is incapable of talking about anything other than what little Junior did today or what kind of poop or cough he has or what I did buy or have to buy for him..... and I don't think I will.

But in the meantime, I'm slowly realizing that this is MY space, and I can talk about whatever I want, and I'll never have this time back, and if I want to go on and on and on about being pregnant, so be it. I was worrying myself into thinking that I should be writing for someone else's pleasure or entertainment, but phooey on that. I'm writing for me, and for my baby. Maybe when our baby is 13 years old, or 18 years old, or when she becomes a mother, she'll want to know what I felt when I carried her. She'll want to know what I hoped for, what I was afraid of, and God knows I'll want her to know what agony she caused me, and what sacrifices we made. (Okay, okay, so we really haven't made any sacrifices yet. But we will. I'm sure of it.)

And I was thinking then about how when I started, I wrote some very important stuff about whether I felt connected to our baby, and how I felt about it, and what made me worry. And now I've wasted several months not recording my feelings, and I already regret it. I don't want to miss the last 2 months. So I am going to write about how I feel. But I will separate the posts, for ease of retrieval when I need to see how I was feeling.

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