Tuesday, April 25, 2006

It's the strangest thing...

I've been having these funny feelings about Anna. It's just that she is the most beautiful child who ever existed, and all other babies fade in comparison.

I saw a little girl at the grocery store yesterday, must have been just about Anna's age because both of her parents were carefully comparing diaper packages and ultimately chose a pack in Anna's size, and well, come on. Only new parents read diaper labels, or shop for diapers together. Mike and I have been down this road. It turns out that what works for us is that I am in charge of buying diapers and Mike refuses to have an opinion about them.

Sabrina: "I put a stack of the new diapers next to the old ones. Which ones do you like better?"
Mike: "Who cares?"
Sabrina: "But this one has the softer outside and stretchy tabs, but the new ones have a bigger poop catcher in the back of the diaper and a thicker layer in the front where she pees."
Mike: "And?"
Sabrina: "And these ones have Winnie-the-Pooh on them and these are Sesame Street!"
Mike: "And?"
Sabrina: "Well, do you have a preference?"
Mike: "No."
Sabrina: "Well, good, because I like these ones, so when you change her, you use these yucky ones."
Mike: "Whatever."

And I've already read the entire label of every diaper imaginable, so when I go to buy diapers, I can choose what I want like a seasoned pro.

Back to these strange feelings. Their little girl had a perfect little smooth face, and perfect little puckered lips and bright cherubic cheeks, and I looked down at my little angel with her dry, scaly head and booger-filled nose, and she just blew me away with her stunning gorgeousness. And I knew that I was in love.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey you,
I'm commenting to this blog on 5/8/2006 - we need more pictures - get on the stick!!!!
Love, Mom