Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Back to life, back to (un)reality

Time flies. We had Mike's sister staying here the weekend before last, and then Mike's mom stayed with me all last week (Mike is back to work!), and Mike's dad joined us for the weekend.

So, as of Monday, I was really on my own. And life was supposed to go back to "normal," except that I realized very suddenly that I have no "normal." This is a whole new life, and nothing, and I mean NOTHING, is the same.

That being said, though, people told me that Mike and I would never cook together again, and he'd do all the dishes all the time, and I wouldn't sleep, and on and on. And so far, I like our life! Mike and I do cook together, with Anna lying in her bouncy seat, and I think I'm doing more dishes, because it's nice to have a few minutes when I don't have to worry about what the baby's doing, and Mike gets Daddy time after work. I hate it that he misses her all day, and I hate that he'll probably miss most of her firsts, like her first smile, and her first laugh, and her first time to roll over. By the time I go back to work, I think she'll be grasping some objects, and rolling. Then, once I'm back at work, I'll still have a couple days a week with her that Mike won't have, and I'll be the one watching her learn to scoot around, and learning to eat solid foods, and all kinds of exciting things! But Mike has been a very, very, very good sport about it. He's a wonderful, patient, and understanding dad.

And just for kicks, here she is with Grandma L.:

And with Aunt Missy:

And with her other "Aunt" Missy:

And finally with me, Grandma D., and her 3rd cousin Lauren:

More pictures later, I promise!


Anonymous said...

awwww i love seeing me with baby anna. I had a great time over the weekend and I can't wait til i get to see all of you again. I got the pictures you sent of anna over the email and the one of her in the yellow blanket is soooo cute. I hope things are going well now that you are finally all alone with her.

Anonymous said...

Hi everyone,
Love the pictures! I actually was over at the Schultz's last night- they waned your address and I was showing them the pictures I had (once again got oohs and aahs) and I pulled up the blog to show them the pictures of the cats (they wanted to see them) and I saw the newest entry. I really, really miss you all - Wish I'd live closer - anyway - thank you for letting me stay last week - loved every minute of it (except when I fell). Love you and miss you, Mom