Monday, March 13, 2006

It's a girl!

Meet baby Anna.

6 lb. 14 oz. and 20" long at birth, arriving March 8.

I have so so so so so much that I want to write about, and every few hours I'm struck with some new wonderful thing I want to record so I always remember how I felt in these first days and weeks, but I just don't have it in me. I should start dragging the laptop around so I can write when inspired, but every free moment I have is spent sleeping or mentally recovering from the demands of... I don't know what. I guess the demand of just being awake all the time. Other than that, it's not so hard, but it's exhausting nonetheless.

I guess what I want to remember most is that I love my baby girl. She's just right. Sure, it'd be nice if she'd open her mouth a little wider to nurse, and if she'd not fuss when she can't get any part of her little fist in her mouth, but I wouldn't want any other baby in the whole world.

Also, for those keeping track: she's thriving. At her first doctor visit today, she was weighed. Now, babies lose weight after they're born, usually from 5-7%, sometimes as much as 10% of their body weight. They have typically regained that weight and returned to birthweight by the 10th or 12th day of life. At 5 days old, our little piggy actually weighs 6 oz. more than her birthweight, 11 oz. more than when we left the hospital!! What a freak. (But this is a very, very good sign. Not such a good sign about weight issues in adolescence, but we've got a while to go.)


Anonymous said...

Good morning everyone,
You're right Sabrina, what a beautiful little girl you and Mike produced. I just can't sop thinkng about her. I'm so glad everything went well at the doctor's ysterday. I know she'll have changed so much until we see her again. 2 weeks won't come soon enough - I just can't wait!!!! keep sending pictures.
Sabrina, hope the soreness is getting better. Remember to pamper yourself and rest when you can. I love you and miss you all Love, Grandma

Anonymous said...

I'm showing great-grandma how to comment in your mommy's blog. Can't wait to see you . Love,Grandma

Ol' Froth said...

Welcome to the world, Anna!!

Congrats Sabrina!