Friday, November 23, 2007

One is the loneliest number

It's been a year (almost to the day!) since I last posted. It had become a job. And I had enough jobs.

But my goodness, I love reading about Anna's first months. So I don't want to let this opportunity pass.

Welcome to the world our second daughter, Emelia Grace! She was born on Monday, October 29, 2007 at 1:15PM, weighing 6 lb. and 4 oz. and measuring 21 inches.

Now our family is complete. For now, anyhow.

I totally hate that I am forever finding myself comparing Emmy to Anna. And people are forever asking me to compare them. Oh well. I guess I (and Emmy!) better get used to it. But she is truly wonderful. She is almost 4 weeks old, and I think she will smile soon! She is another very good baby, and I'm not sure what we did to deserve two children with such pleasant, easy temperaments.

I regret that I didn't write about the last year of Anna's life. She is just such an incredibly amazing person. She is so smart it makes me cringe. I hope that I'm not imagining that she's brilliant. But she says words I didn't know she knew every day, and she counts her toys when I'm not looking, and she tries to sing the alphabet, and I know that some other kids know the whole alphabet at 18 months, but... I don't know. She is just smarter than most kids. I know it. I can't think of any examples right now, but I will come up with an anecdote soon, and I will record it for posterity.

Oh, before I sign off, I think Emmy's losing her hair on the crown of her head. Just like Anna. (Sorry, I couldn't help it.) And this disappoints me. Oh, and her hair is curlier than Anna's. (Oops, I did it again.) And it's lighter than Anna's. (Sue me.) Emmy might be a blonde as a child. Her eyelashes and eyebrows are practically invisibly pale.

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