Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Happy Halloween. Sort of.

For Anna's first Halloween, I dressed up as a frazzled new mommy. I got my hair nice and frizzy, put it in a ponytail, and then rubbed curdled milk spit-up on the shoulder of my tshirt. For that extra little touch, I put some boogers on my stretch pants.

Anna was dressed up as a baby with a cold, complete with snot running from nostrils to chin, and I even left her pajamas on all day long so they could get extra crusty by trick-or-treat time.

But Mike got to show her off and give out goodies (pretzels, ritz cracker sandwiches or whole grain teddy grahams--we're not going to contribute to rotting teeth or obesity around here) to all the neighborhood kids while I worked.

I feel kind of guilty. What should I write in her baby book? My friend at work took her baby to Target in his little lion costume with black paint on his nose, and she had professional photos done with him leaning on a big orange BOO! I can't decide if she's really got it all figured out or if she's just a freak of nature. I hope Anna someday appreciates our laissez-faire approach to life.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think Anna is very lucky to be in this family...I hope she's feeling better... Love, Grandma L.