Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Too worn out to come up with a clever title

Wow. I let a month and a half pass without writing a thing about Anna. I will forget all of the sweet things she's done and learned, and all of the sweet things she has already grown out of, and therefore will never do again.

She'll be 7 months old later this week. She's such a big girl, sitting up completely on her own, and playing happily with real toys. She is also such a perfect little baby though, as she doesn't try to move. Ever. She just sits there. Mike's oldest brother did this, and my oldest sister did this, so I'm not surprised or worried. I'm relieved. I still walk away from her on the changing table (gasp!) and I still let her nap on our bed or on the couch as long as the ottoman is pulled up. She can roll, but she usually doesn't choose to, and she has never rolled over repeatedly in order to get to something. I feel entirely confident that she won't roll off anything. I'm sure this confidence will be shattered and embarassing the moment she rolls off something. Oh well.

She hates solid food. Or she hates being fed solid food. I don't know if it's the taste, or the texture, or the spoon, or the bib. She'll good-naturedly let you shove the spoon in her mouth a couple of times, but then she gets all "wtf?" and pouts. I hate to say that she cries, but she whimpers, and moans, and looks at me with these sad, depserate eyes, as if to say, "Puh-lease don't make me do this, Mommy." So I don't. Perhaps I'm a sucker, or perhaps I'm a confident, intuitive Mommy. But I won't make her do it, and the research overwhelmingly supports my decision. Now I just have to get her doctors and the rest of the world on board with me.

These are the things I'll want to remember:
  • she is just learning to find the humor in blowing motorcycle sounds on her tummy.
  • she is just starting to lay her head on my shoulder when I hold her upright. I was starting to think that she would never melt into me--from the time she had even minimal neck strength, she looked behind me alertly any time I held her up. And before that, she was too weak to lay her head on me. Her head just kind of fell down onto her shoulders and she couldn't really squeeze into me like she needed me. But now... oh, now. She holds on, and snuggles, and rubs her cheeks on my shoulder, and I can feel her exhale with comfort and just melt.
  • she is suddenly easily startled. She doesn't like sudden noise or surprises, and the Jack-in-the-Box elicits anything from a stuck out lower lip and whimpering to tears streaming down her face and screaming. It would be sad if it weren't so darned precious.

I'm starting to see some personality. I wonder if she'll be a very timid little girl? That'd be a surprise to me, given Mike's and my dispositions, but it'd be a welcome surprise. No, I would not mind having a daughter who loves me to death and clings to me and would rather be with me than anyone else in the whole wide world. Sure, it would come with its own anxieties and I'd constantly be pushing her to try something new and hang out with other people, but I love the idea of a cuddly little bug who wants to sit in my lap and be snuggled all the time. Ahh.

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